Why This European Airport Is Considered One Of The Worst In The World
One notoriously bad travel hub is Germany's Frankfurt Airport. It has 1.2 stars out of 5 on Trustpilot, 3 out of 10 on Skytrax Reviews, and tons of other negative feedback.
One huge issue is Frankfurt Airport's size and confusing layout of interconnected areas, which is like a gauntlet for those trying to reach their gate.
Security is woefully inefficient, with fliers getting stuck in long queues frequently. The airport itself is also described as requiring an update and a good cleaning.
Not all airports in Germany are as disorganized as Frankfurt. The country has some of the best airports in Europe, so try flying into other cities and traveling by train.
If you have to fly into Frankfurt, download its map before you go. If there are long lines, choose the left line, as most people are right-handed and tend to go to the right.