Croatian island
Visit This Island To Learn More About European History
For tales of ancient Greeks, medieval battles, Renaissance art, and much more, the Croatian island of Hvar is a must-visit European destination.
Greek colonists founded the city of Pharos, now known as Stari Grad, on the island in the fourth century B.C.E., and it is one of the oldest cities in Croatia.
The remnants of the original Greek agricultural landscape, known as the Stari Grad Plain, still exist and have been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Also located in Stari Grad is Tvrdalj Castle, the summer residence of the 16th-century poet Petar Hektorović. Nearby is Škor Square, surrounded by traditional Dalmatian houses.
During the Middle Ages, Hvar became a contested jewel in the Adriatic, with Venice, the Byzantine Empire, and local Croatian rulers vying for control of the island.
The Venetian influence is particularly evident in the architecture of Hvar Town. The city is home to one of the largest and most beautiful squares in Croatia.
Visitors will also find two fortresses: the Fortica Španjola, built in the 16th century, and the Napoleon Fortress, built during the French occupation in the early 19th century.
The Lavender Festival in Velo Grablje, a village with a history of lavender production since the 20th century, is a fragrant journey into the Hvar's agricultural past and present.
Whether you're interested in ancient history or Renaissance art, Hvar encapsulates the richness and diversity of European history within a compelling microcosm.