Think Twice Before Swimming In These Popular US Lakes
An estimated 300,000 swimmers have died in Lake Michigan. It is the roughest of the Great Lakes and is often named the most dangerous lake in the United States.
The lake experiences strong rip currents because of the wake formed as waves crash against the east and west shores and then flow back into one another in the center.
Lake Lanier is Georgia's largest lake, with a vibrant relaxation environment, but it is exceedingly dangerous for swimmers, with roughly 700 total deaths on the water.
Created as a reservoir for the Buford Dam, the lake stretches across a 59-square-mile crevice. Submerged logs and other debris create an unsteady floor for those needing to stand.
As one of America's most dangerous aquatic relaxation spots, Lake Mead is infected with a blue-green algae bloom that explodes in the spring and summer.
It is seemingly also a hot spot for violent crime. About 275 people died at Lake Mead between 2006 and 2016, including six homicides — the most at any national park.
Lake of the Ozarks is a fascinating dragon-shaped water body in the nation's geographic center, made by intentional flooding while building the Bagnell Dam.
Many say this lake in Missouri is haunted, riddled with unexpected depth changes, underwater caves, and surprisingly strong currents that can turn without warning.