Be sure to keep safety essentials on board, like a first aid kit, a flashlight, extra batteries, jumper cables, bottled water, and a fire extinguisher.
Check with your provider to see if they offer roadside assistance for RV-related issues and what their towing policy is; you may need to expand your policy.
We suggest Good Sam Roadside Assistance, which has 24/7 breakdown support. Unlike other insurance companies, their plans include unlimited towing and tire delivery.
To avoid coverage issues, invest in an RV-specific GPS unit, like the Garmin RV 890. You can input your RV's size, and it will adjust the route accordingly.
If you do plan to use a traditional GPS, keep a note of your RV's height and width taped to your dashboard. Sticking to main highways and having a current trucker atlas also helps.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a great Storm Tracker app, where you can see what the weather will be on your route, hour by hour.