Restaurant at night Pietrasanta, Province of Lucca, Tuscany, Italy
Avoid Eating Like A Tourist In Italy With These Tips From Rick Steves
European travel expert Rick Steves says that to get the most out of your Italy trip, you should eat like a local, not a tourist. He even offers a few genius tips on how to do so.
Firstly, consider inviting a stranger to dinner. The novelty of unfamiliar company will keep the conversation fresh, says Steves, and serve as a fun backdrop to your meal.
When choosing a restaurant, Steves says to avoid establishments in pricy areas, as they often cater to tourists rather than locals. Instead, find hidden nooks where locals eat.
When it's time to order, Steves says to stick to the "regional and seasonal." For example, go for pasta carbonara in Rome, ribollita in Tuscany, and zuppa di pesce in Puglia.
At the time of ordering, you'll also want to be daring, according to Steves. There are many Italian dishes that are only known in Italy, so take the opportunity to try one.
As for dessert, grab a perfectly crafted gelato cup, but skip the gelaterias with enticing, brightly colored heaps of the frozen treat and follow the locals to their favorite spot.