There is one national park in the United States that holds the record for the highest number of missing persons. Here are the reasons why this park stands out.
How many times have you tried to cross a street with your head down, looking at your phone? In Seoul, they have an innovative solution to keep "smombies" safe.
Some travelers are unsure about how to pay for items while they're on their trip. Rick Steves recommends this tip that will keep you and your money safe.
Switzerland is known for its outdoor fun in both the winter and summer. But no matter what time of year, you should avoid swimming in this dangerous river.
We all want to be safe. And for some of us, that means carrying self-defense items. But what self-defense weapons can you bring in a checked bag through TSA?
California is beautiful, serene, and ... dangerous! You might already know about black bears and snakes, but some of these dangerous animals might surprise you.
Most hotels have in-room safes, but how secure are they? A travel safety expert weighs in on hotel safes and other methods for storing valuables on a trip.
The TSA is looking out for all kinds of suspicious behavior, and this includes what you're wearing. Here's one type of clothing item that might raise eyebrows.
A haven for surfers and beach bums, California's coastline has a few hidden risks. Giant waves and rip currents abound at one of the state's deadliest beaches.
If airplane incidents have you worried, you might wonder if a passenger could open an emergency door midflight. Here's what an aviation expert has to say.
Despite what Jaws led us to believe, shark attacks are pretty rare. That said, there seem to be more shark attacks in America compared to Europe. Here's why.
Millions of people are nervous flyers, and that's understandable, but it's important to remember that airplanes are one of the safest methods of traveling.
You can encounter a beg bug infestation at any accommodation, regardless of how expensive it is. But it's not just the infestation you should be wary of.
Unexpectedly high crime rates in this seemingly sleepy Florida city are much higher than the state averages, including larger urban locations. Here's why.
Tourists to Angkor Wat, one of the most famous temples in Cambodia, might see wild monkeys around the attraction. Here's why its best to steer clear of them.
Staggering stats show that most visitor deaths in Yellowstone National Park are male, but it's not a complete coincidence. Here's why men are at higher risk.
The world's largest airports have millions of people flowing through them each day, and here's how they manage to (mostly) run smoothly and efficiently.
Taking a road trip in an RV is an amazing way to see the country without needing to book hotels and airfare. But there's one common mistake RV owners make.
Most beachgoers know that live jellyfish can be dangerous, but what if you encounter a dead one washed up on the shore? An expert weighs in on what to do.