Italian food in America is not like food in Italy. You won't find chicken parm or butter with your bread. And you definitely don't want to make this request.
Travel etiquette emphasizes respect for culture, locals, and social norms. But in Santorini, it seems the quest for a perfect photo trumps basic human decency.
From mindlessly damaging historic landmarks to answering the call of nature on iconic church domes, tourists in Italy have done some horrendous things.
It might be considered uncouth in the U.S., but this unusual display of satisfaction is one of the best ways to compliment the work of a chef in Japan.
Believe it or not, ordering free drinking water in European restaurants can be tricky. Here’s how to ask for water in Spain and avoid being charged for it.
Paris is chock-full of historic buildings and charming quirks. These two attributes have intertwined and created a unique elevator that bewilders tourists.
Americans traveling abroad run the risk of looking like a tourist if they try to beat the heat with an iced coffee drink – except in this European country.
It might feel random, but there is usually a good reason why TSA agents zero in on certain travelers. Avoid these things and get ready to fly through security.
Travelers in Europe often wonder about how, when, and whether to tip for certain services. When it comes to hotels, travel expert Rick Steves has an answer.
Spain has plenty of cultural dining traditions that differ from those in America. Is throwing your olive pits and napkins on the floor really one of them?
To recline or not to recline – an age-old controversy that has divided airplane passengers. That's why we spoke exclusively to an expert to settle the debate.
If you don't want to look like other tourists when you're visiting France, you'll want to avoid this common action ... which may prove to be difficult!
One of France's attributes is that it continually surprises Western visitors, from its fashion rules to unexpected social conduct. Here's one more surprise.
As a traveler, it's so important to be courteous to locals. The London Underground during rush hour can be chaotic, so make sure you avoid this common mistake.
Eating and drinking everything in sight is one of the best ways to enjoy your Italian vacation, but don't expect these items to feature heavily on the menus.
Germany's gorgeous cities are perfect for pedestrians, but rules are made to be followed. Avoid this simple sidewalk mistake at all costs in Berlin and beyond.
Walking fast and being loud are just a couple behaviors that will out you as a tourist in Italy. If you're looking to blend in, here's what to avoid doing.
You might associate bars with free-flowing alcohol, but that’s not always true. Here’s what a bar really means in Italy – and where to go to party instead.
Flight attendants notice some pretty bad behavior on planes, from noisy video games or phone calls to excessive drinking, but this stinky habit is the worst.
If you want to keep flight attendants onside while soaring through the skies, it is best to keep those succulent sandwiches and messy chips for when you land.
If you're traveling to Kyoto, Japan, certain areas will be off limits. Overtourism has led to the harassment of certain residents, and Kyoto is cracking down.