We've all been on a road trip, helplessly trying to find that one item that's buried somewhere in the back seat. Now there's a solution for that problem.
Whether you're traveling with children, adults, or just by yourself, painter's tape may be the surprising addition to your luggage that you can't leave without.
When it comes to packing toiletries for a trip, there's one sure way to take everything you need without worrying about leaks, security issues, or convenience.
Are you a frequent traveler? If so, you've probably dipped your toe into Airbnb waters. Here's how to ensure you're not getting scammed with fake pics.
Passports contain sensitive information that makes them prime targets for thieves. This genius hack with a DVD case can hide your passport in plain sight.
No iron? No problem. Use our easy and convenient hack to get rid of those annoying wrinkles in your clothing and keep you looking your best on vacation.
The first day of a cruise can be a surprisingly stressful time, but there's a simple packing hack that will help you be prepared for any unexpected glitches.
Pickpockets are a constant threat for travelers, especially when headed abroad, but luckily there are a few simple methods to keep your belongings safe.
A splinter can be a painful and even dangerous problem when you're in the outdoors, but fortunately there's a common household item that can save the day.
The only downside to a long road trip is the very early start time. Here's a simple trick that will make the morning of your trip run a lot more smoothly.
Packing for a trip can be a big pain if you're not prepared. Here's how to save yourself some hassle with a travel capsule wardrobe that doesn't skimp on style.
Are you planning to visit Walt Disney World? If you're going to "The Most Magical Place On Earth," make sure to properly prepare in case of a rainy day.
Repurposing old eyeglass cases as a packing tool is a reliable and efficient hack. It will help you restrain hard-to-lose items and keep everything organized.
We spoke to flight attendant Bae Lee to get the inside scoop on what behavior drives them (and other fliers) a little crazy on flights. Avoid these mistakes.
Don't throw out your empty Tic Tac containers -- they're valuable tools to organize and pack small items the next time you hit the road or head to the airport.
Most parents will take any tip to make traveling with kids easier. This packing hack will help you to save space and keep your child's outfits organized.
When it comes to the best packing hacks, flight attendants are the ultimate experts. Here's one item they say you'll want to stock up on before your next trip.
There's nothing worse than opening your bags and finding that something spilled over your clothes. Luckily, we have the perfect tip to waterproof your luggage.