Cramped seats, dirty trays, unfriendly flight attendants, and bad food ... you're definitely going to want to avoid this airline's expensive business class.
You don't need Beyoncé to see this halo. What exactly is Pilot's Glory, the rainbow ring around a plane's shadow, and how can to improve your odds of seeing it?
To recline or not to recline – an age-old controversy that has divided airplane passengers. That's why we spoke exclusively to an expert to settle the debate.
Traveling in Europe is expensive, especially during summer. For the frugal among us, leveraging apps is key. These five apps will help you get the best deals.
Koh Samui is one of Thailand's most beautiful islands, but after this season of White Lotus airs, it's bound to get busier and more expensive, so go ASAP!
It's not easy to get compensation from an airline when your flight is delayed, but European regulations offer legal protections in the EU. Here's what they are.
Flying is expensive, so naturally, you're going to want the best deal. If your flight price drops after you've booked, don't despair! Here are some options.
A lot can derail your vacation: getting sick, unexpected delays, or injuries. Rick Steves has a simple formula to give your itinerary some breathing room.
Traveling abroad is magical, but how do you stay connected to your friends and family back home? If you're headed to Europe, make sure to download this app.
Given the astronomical prices for air travel these days, everyone could use advice for finding cheap flights. Rick Steves’ son Andy Steves has a great tip.
Traveling to Europe is expensive and just the currency exchange rate alone can hurt your wallet. But there's also a secret tax that you might not know about.
From unknowingly packing contraband to chasing your ship down the pier, avoid these cruise mistakes at all costs. It's all smooth sailing with these savvy tips.
Hotel parking fees can add an unexpected and unwelcome cost to your next vacation. Thankfully, a travel agency CEO has tips on how to spot and avoid them.
We don't want to scare you, but you might not be wearing your seatbelt correctly while on the airplane. Luckily, a flight attendant gave us all the top tips.
They might seem like they save you time and energy, but moving walkways at the airport can be worryingly dangerous. Walking or not, you need to watch your step.