TSA PreCheck and Clear both help you navigate airport security lines more quickly, but some users of the former claim the latter is ruining things for them.
Who doesn't want to save on flights, hotels, and attractions? If you're a student (even post-graduation), you can't miss out on applying for this card.
If you're heading to Europe, you maybe surprised by the "double bed" in your hotel room. The set up is often different to what we're used to in North America.
The London Underground subway system is a convenient way to travel around the city. But an unsettling research study might have you rethinking using the Tube.
Sleeping on a plane? If you're in the aisle seat, that can be stressful for your seatmates who may need to get up. Don't worry! Samantha Brown has an easy tip.
If you’re planning a trip to Europe, there’s an easy way to visit as many cities as you wish with this budget and eco-friendly method of transportation.
If you’re trying to travel in style, you’ll want to pass through this modern airport in the Middle East that is filled with luxury that you won't want to miss.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. This type of drink is technically allowed in your checked bag, but there are other reasons why you shouldn't.
If you're planning or desiring to travel to Asia, then be sure to give this incredible airline a chance, as they seem to get nothing but glowing reviews.
While you might not want to clean while on vacation, is it okay to leave your hotel room messy when checking out? We spoke to an etiquette expert to find out.
A California road trip might be on your bucket list, but this lesser-known rail pass is a more budget-friendly and unique way to explore the state by train.
A visit to Cedar Point is a must for amusement park aficionados, but nobody wants to be stuck in queues all day. When is the time to visit to avoid the crowds?
Why would the TSA care if your phone, tablet, or laptop is dead? The reason might surprise you, but what matters most is this: Keep your devices charged.
While some travelers might be fine with a bare bones airport experience, you'd at least expect the toilets to flush! This Caribbean hub is one to avoid.