In an exclusive interview with a global travel safety and security professional, we explore ways to keep your carry-on and its contents safe on a flight.
Avelo Airlines promises dependable service for a low cost. But does this budget option actually live up to that claim? Here's what passengers have said.
A TikTok video prompted people to ask if medically necessary devices, like oxygen cylinders, can be brought on a flight. We answer this and offer insight.
It seems Southwest Airlines has caught wind of the viral carry-on pillow hack and updated its baggage policies. Here's how this might affect future flights.
A vacation of any sort to Paris is an incredible opportunity. But it can quickly turn sour if you throw away or lose your train ticket. We'll tell you why.
If you didn't already know about this genius built-in feature on airplane seats, prepare to get your mind blown! Sleeping on your fight will never be the same!
Next time you're catching a train in Italy, remember this handy flow chart to help you figure out whether you need to validate your ticket or just hop aboard.
Embark on this bucket list-worthy scenic train journey through West Virginia where you can spot wildlife and soak up lesser-visited landscapes in style.
Between Zen gardens, theaters, and more, you won't want to rush through this international airport. With so much to do, it's one of Samantha Brown's favorites.
If you wear contact lenses, you might have wondered about TSA's rules regarding these aids and how to travel with the solution. Here's a straightforward answer.
Cramped seats, dirty trays, unfriendly flight attendants, and bad food ... you're definitely going to want to avoid this airline's expensive business class.
You don't need Beyoncé to see this halo. What exactly is Pilot's Glory, the rainbow ring around a plane's shadow, and how can to improve your odds of seeing it?
To recline or not to recline – an age-old controversy that has divided airplane passengers. That's why we spoke exclusively to an expert to settle the debate.
It's not easy to get compensation from an airline when your flight is delayed, but European regulations offer legal protections in the EU. Here's what they are.