Baggage fees have been a hot topic since airlines started implementing them in 2008 due to the recession. It's an unfortunate reality travelers must live with.
Even if you're traveling from one democratic country to another, it's not a bad idea to do your research and avoid offending the locals' sensibilities.
There's nothing worse than traveling, living your best life, giving your friends on Instagram major FOMO, and then realizing that your stuff has been stolen.
One oft-forgotten travel essential is a portable charger. Flight attendants list portable chargers as a top item that passengers frequently leave behind
Whether you're traveling locally or internationally for a summer vacation, planning is essential. Here are the hacks to make your vacation stress-free.
Make like a pro and invest in some packing cubes. We say invest, but packing cubes are not expensive. And they can save you huge amounts of time and stress.
You know how after a super-long flight you feel straight awesome? Like, just really rejuvenated and refreshed? Yeah, we don't, either. Flying takes a toll.
If there's one way to ruin an outfit, it's with stockings your grandma would wear. But, wearing compression socks when you fly could literally save your life.
Terrible about overpacking or forgetting the important stuff? Check out these tips for how to pack exactly what you'll need for a three-week vacation anywhere.
Tired of having a sore neck and stiff back when you get off the plane? Check out this tip for feeling better when you fly, no matter where you're going.
You pull out your trusty key fob and press the symbol to unlock your car. This time, however, you don't hear the familiar click of your car door. What now?
People are learning how important it is that we choose sunscreen that protects us but is also environmentally friendly and that will not damage coral reefs
No one wants to do chores on vacation, especially laundry-related tasks. It's one of the very reasons you're on vacation, after all. But this item helps!
Sure, your weather app might get it right sometimes, but there are plenty of other ways to predict the weather. Let nature guide you in the right direction.
Popular travel days lead to higher airfares, longer security lines, busier street traffic, and all around less merriment for those unprepared to deal with it.
We all want a trip through TSA to go as smoothly (and quickly) as possible. That means arriving prepared. Fortunately, some TSA agents have offered tips.