Making a reservation at a hotel only to discover that it's overbooked once you get there can put a damper on any getaway, but it doesn't have to ruin your trip.
Booking a nonrefundable room can seem like a great way to save money - until you have to cancel. Luckily, there are ways to avoid getting stuck with the bill.
If you'd like to be a more considerate hotel guest (while saving yourself a little embarrassment), here are a few things hotel housekeepers hate that you do.
Many airline alliances and hotels offer status matches of competing loyalty programs. You may be able to retain your elite status in another loyalty program
To help you decide if the Hilton Honors program is right for you, we'll explore methods to earn Hilton Honors points and, more importantly, ways to spend them.
While the city is brimming with vibrant options when it comes to entertainment, what might feel less readily available upon arrival is budget-friendly parking.
When traveling, there are all kinds of decisions to make, and they typically involve the added cost of convenience. Paying for hotel parking is no different.
Want to get the most out of your hotel experience? Follow these simple pointers to ensure that the end of your stay isn't derailed by unexpected pitfalls.
Although the concierge isn't a hospitality wizard (though concierge services at ultra-luxe hotels can be near-magical), the concierge is paid to be an insider.
You don't have to shiver or swelter. By following a few simple steps, you can override automated temperature controls on most wall-mounted thermostats.
While regulations have contributed to smoother booking processes, there are still a few tips to use for guaranteeing your hotel rooms are fully accessible.
One of the most impactful hotel characteristics on our decision-making - though least understood - is the hotel's star rating. But what does it really mean?
But is it really a good idea to wait until two weeks or even two hours before your stay in order to get a bargain rate for your lodging? That depends on you.
Once you start looking at hotel loyalty programs, you may end up even more confused. But as complicated as they seem, all share one goal - brand loyalty.
But what happens when you reach out to them, how do you make the process go a bit more smoothly, and what can you do to prevent losing items in the first place?
Whether items are taken on purpose or by mistake, it creates expensive issues for the industry. Guests might also find themselves banned from a hotel chain.
Fortunately, there's no need to panic or pay the false costs. Following a series of steps will help you rectify the error and remove the charge from your card.