While the tallest mountain in the world is world-renowned for its size, there are plenty of fascinating facts about Mt. Everest that aren't commonly known.
Paul Templer now jokes that his dangerous encounter was "a bad day at the office," he knows he is lucky to be alive after an attack by a two-ton hippopotamus.
Each year, climbers from across the globe trek to the Himalayan monarch to test their mettle against more than five and a half vertical miles of mountain.
Even when we look at the lifeless scar of a clearcut forest, it takes a leap of imagination to picture the forest intact, and inhabited by real-life animals.
In three corners of Czechia, you can find the Czech Republic's national parks, renowned for their beautiful natural features and diversity of flora and fauna.
In the tenth video installment of Brett Rogers' 110-day expedition down the Mississippi river, the team encounters crippling fog and a violent storm system.
In this installment, we find the team in Mississippi itself, where they take a break to explore the cotton fields so critical to the history of the South.