One Of Texas' Best-Kept Secrets Is A Charming Swimming Hole For Endless Outdoor Fun
Texas is known for its hot, humid summers, so Texans have lots of practice knowing how to stay cool in the heat. Fortunately, the Lone Star State is full of great swimming holes, and since it's not unusual to be able to swim from early May to late October, you have plenty of time to take advantage.
One lesser known swimming hole is Tonkawa Falls. Located in the heart of Central Texas about 15 miles from Lake Waco and 25 miles from Baylor University (one of the most beautiful college campuses in America), Tonkawa Falls City Park sits on the outskirts of Crawford. Given that Crawford is such a small town (less than 1,000 people), a lot of people haven't even heard of it, much less the park. But this pretty little oasis (once referred to by locals as "The Dip") has been helping Texans beat the heat for nearly a hundred years.
The park's unique beginnings
Tonkawa Falls is named after the Native tribe that inhabited the region for generations until white settlers began to increasingly occupy the area in the mid-1800s. When the Great Depression descended on this part of the country, the Texas Civil Works Administration (a precursor to the Works Progress Administration) gave the town the choice of funding for a park or a city sewage system. The town chose to build a park around the beautiful limestone basin, and soon local men seeking work were hired at an hourly rate of $1.25 for three 10-hour days a week.
First, they cleared 35 acres of brush. Then, using stone from the creek, they built a caretaker's house, a clubhouse, and stone picnic tables and barbeque pits. Workers also cut steps into the rock leading to the water's edge and built a concrete driveway over the falls. During construction, workers stumbled across what is believed to be a Tonkawa burial ground and petroglyphs carved into the creek bed. When the water levels are low, visitors can still see Tonkawa art on the rock walls.
The park today
Over the years, Tonkawa Falls City Park has added on and now includes a community center, an RV park, and the local high school sports stadium. Every year, visitors flock to the falls to swim in the cool blue-green waters of the natural limestone pool, splash in the 20-foot falls, and bask in the sun on the grassy shore. More adventurous guests might explore the caves along the banks or jump off the cliffs into the pool below. While there's no official website, visitors can stay up to date on any updates about water levels or park closures through the Tonkawa Falls City Park Facebook page.
Given its close proximity to Waco, a swim at the park is a perfect add-on to the area's attractions. If you're traveling with kiddos, there are so many things kids will love like a trip to Cameron Park Zoo, the Dr Pepper Museum, or Waco Mammoth National Monument. And, of course, "Fixer Upper" fans are just 30 minutes from a day of shopping, sightseeing, and eating cupcakes at celebrity-owned hotspot Magnolia Market.