These Border Regions Are The Most Dangerous In The World
Smuggling, nationalism, concerns about undocumented immigration, racism, religious prejudices, ethnic differences, terrorism, and deep-rooted trauma caused by generations of violence and war are just a few of the many issues that contribute to the tense situations that occur near many international borders. Even if a country is generally viewed as safe for tourists, you may want to steer clear of its international borders.
In general, traveling the world is perfectly safe, as long as you use common sense and good judgment and remain aware of your surroundings. There are plenty of safe countries for travelers scattered all across the globe. Oftentimes, countries that fall outside of the usual tourist hot spot are some of the most unforgettable places to explore. While there are dangerous countries for foreigners that should be avoided, most nations are wonderful places to visit if you're adventurous, respectful of local cultures, and enjoy journeying off-the-beaten-path. It's important to keep in mind that even countries recognized as popular tourist destinations have few spots that are best left unexplored if you want to stay safe while traveling. Many of them are border regions.
Although there are plenty of safe border crossings, it's a good idea to do your research ahead of time to ensure you don't end up in a sketchy situation. Certain international borders have gained notoriety as some of the most dangerous places on earth. Sadly, there are many places around the world where borders serve as barriers, and plenty of countries don't share a friendly relationship with their neighbors. The world's most dangerous borders are dispersed throughout several continents, and some of them may surprise you.
The border between Mexico and the United States
It's no secret that the United States has been ramping up its anti-immigration initiatives, but it's less well-known that the border between the two North American nations is considered by some to be the most dangerous border crossing on earth. It seems appalling because both the United States and Mexico are popular travel destinations, and many tourists visiting from overseas may choose to visit both in one fell swoop.
The international border stretches nearly 2,000 miles. It was established in the mid-1800s following the Mexican-American War. Before that, many modern-day U.S. states were part of Mexican territory. The entirety of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, large parts of Arizona and Colorado, and portions of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming were part of the land surrendered by Mexico in the treaty that ended the war between the two expansive nations.
As the years passed, Mexico and the United States became close allies. Mexican culture has strongly influenced art, music, and cuisine throughout the United States, particularly in the Western region. Despite the allyship and cultural interconnectedness between the two countries, the issues at the border are complicated. Illegal drug trade, human trafficking, and smuggled weapons are some of the worst problems occurring at the border that contribute to violence. The United States has increased militarization at the borders in response to undocumented immigration and crime, which has harmed immigrants seeking political asylum. Now, a humanitarian crisis is evolving and according to the United Nations, it's now the deadliest land migration route. In 2022 there were around 686 deaths or disappearances that occurred at or near the border, which is almost half of all the migrant deaths throughout the Americas.
The Korean Demilitarized Zone
The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea is one of the most notorious land borders. Before WWII North and South Korea were both just Korea. Japan ruled over Korea for 35 years until 1945 when the nation gained independence. Before long, North Korea became influenced by the communist Soviet Union. South Korea was influenced by the democratic United States. The Korean War began in 1950 and lasted three years during which time over a million people were killed. The United States, along with other allied nations, supported South Korea during the conflict.
Shortly after the war ended, the Korean Demilitarized Zone was established. It runs along the 38th parallel and is about 2.5 miles wide and over 150 miles long. It begins near the Han River's estuary and continues all the way to the east coast. Despite the separation, violence at the border has been common over the decades. Both sides of the border are heavily militarized. According to the Associated Press, there are around two million mines, barbed wire, tank traps, and many thousands of troops on each side. It is one of the most fortified places on the planet.
The most recent incidents at the DMZ occurred during the summer of 2024. On multiple occasions North Korean soldiers wandered across the line, causing South Korean soldiers to fire warning shots. Each time, the North Korean soldiers retreated without returning fire. Few tourists visit North Korea, but South Korea is a popular destination. It's home to one of the safest cities in the world. Beautiful nature, delicious food, and a vibrant culture attract more than 16 million tourists each year.
The border between Colombia and Ecuador
Colombia and Ecuador have a lot in common. The equator stretches through both of them, as does the Amazon Rainforest. They're both abundant in natural beauty and have rich cultures heavily influenced by their Indigenous populations. Both are popular budget-friendly destinations for vacations in South America. Unfortunately, other commonalities include political turmoil and violence. Despite their many similarities, the nations don't always get along. Colombia has the longest-lasting democracy of any Latin American Country, but over the years there have been multiple instances of violence and human rights violations. Colombia is also one of the world's largest producers of narcotics. Ecuador has been democratic since 1979, but allegations of political corruption are not uncommon. Both nations are plagued by gang violence and drug trafficking.
The border between Colombia and Ecuador can be a risky place, and in recent years the problems have escalated, becoming a full-blown humanitarian crisis. The Assessment Capacities Project, a non-profit providing independent assessments of humanitarian issues around the world, released a report on the growing problems in 2023. "Armed conflict in Colombia and gang violence in Ecuador, fueled by fighting over the control of illegal economies (such as drug trafficking and illegal mining), expose the civilian population to severe protection incidents. These include displacements, confinements, forced disappearances, child recruitment, selective homicide against social leaders, explosive artifacts, and GBV," the report says.
On February 3, 2025, President Daniel Noboa of Ecuador closed the country's borders with Colombia and Peru entirely for a few days during a presidential election, due to "attempts by armed groups to destabilize the country." Tourists are advised to completely avoid all borders and the surrounding areas at the time of writing.
The Lake Chad Basin Borders
The nations surrounding Lake Chad in west-central Africa have faced extensive violence and political crises over the years. Borders between the countries of Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, and Chad are all affected. The most prevalent threat today comes from extremist groups, including Boko Haram, which calls itself the "Group of the Sunni People for the Calling and Jihad." Boko Haram, which translates to "Western education is forbidden," is the name commonly used to refer to the group.
The governments of Niger and Chad, along with other countries surrounding Lake Chad, have been joining together to combat extremist groups for years, but the region continues to be plagued by violence. According to the Institute For Security Studies, the long-standing Multinational Joint Task Force set up to make the region more secure, may be falling apart due to issues surrounding political differences and boundaries.
Travelers are encouraged to avoid the borders. At the border between Chad and Niger, tensions are particularly high after an attempted military coup that took place in 2023. At the borders between Chad, Nigeria, and Cameroon there have been multiple violent outbreaks recently, some of which resulted in casualties. Over two million people have been displaced due to violence in the region.
Israel's borders
The ongoing conflicts between Israel and its Arab neighbors are ongoing and they're some of the most violent in the world. After WWI, Britain decided to create a "national home" for Jewish people on the land that was known as Palestine. The initiative was prioritized further after more than six million Jewish people were killed during the Holocaust. The Arab Palestinian people who had lived there for hundreds of years opposed the plan. None of the Arab nations supported the situation, and the United Kingdom effectively handed the problem over to the United Nations just hours after the state of Israel declared itself as an independent state, according to BBC.
Since then, political turmoil and humanitarian crises have been almost constant. The most recent situation is the devastating Israel-Gaza War, which began in October of 2023 when Hamas, an Islamic militant group with a stronghold in the Palestinian territory of Gaza, attacked Israel. Hamas killed 1,200 people that day and took 251 people hostage. Israel retaliated, declaring war. Since then tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians have been killed. The exact death toll is unclear but estimates range from about 40,000 to 80,000 have lost their lives, including around 17,500 children. Over 1,000 Israelis have also perished. Ceasefire talks are underway, but the situation remains tense and all travel to regions near the Gaza Strip and West Bank are to be avoided, according to advisories.
Israel's borders with Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon are also dangerous, due to ongoing military operations and violence. Border regions are heavily militarized and there are land mines in some areas, which aren't always clearly marked. Smuggling is another major problem at the border with Egypt.
The Durand Line
The Durand Line is the 1,640-mile border that runs between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and it's been one of the most dangerous border regions on earth for generations. The border was first established by Sir Mortimer Durand in 1893. Back then, Pakistan was part of British India. Durand, who served as India's foreign secretary, negotiated the border with Afghanistan's ruler Abdur Rahman Khan. He worked in the interest of the British, but the border remained long after the British decided to end their reign in 1947. After two hundred years of control, their territory was divided into two nations — India, where the majority of the population was Hindu, and Pakistan, where the majority of the population was Muslim.
The Durand Line region is home to two Indigenous ethnic groups – the Punjabis and the Pashtuns. Even before the Durand Line was established, the Punjabis and the Pashtuns were at odds. Punjabis mostly lived in the region that is now Pakistan and Pashtuns primarily lived in Afghanistan, and disputes over territory are nothing new. When the Durand Line was created following natural boundaries, the challenges between the two groups were not taken into consideration. The Pashtuns in the region were separated by the border, and today many of them are governed by Pakistan and the Punjabis which has caused a lot of tension between the two nations that results in violence. The Taliban (who are mostly Pashtuns) of Afghanistan and the Pakistani Army clash often and the border is plagued by bombings, airstrikes, and shootings. The situation has been further exacerbated by foreign involvement. International travelers are advised to avoid travel near the Durand Line.
To formulate our list of the most dangerous border regions, we considered historic conflicts and modern-day problems throughout the world. While this list includes some of the most dangerous international borders, it is by no means exhaustive. Throughout the world, there are many border regions plagued by violence, crime, war, and complicated political problems. Be diligent each time you plan a trip and ensure that you check for travel advisories ahead of time. Do your research and use your best judgment to feel safer when traveling abroad.