An Unsettling TSA TikTok Shows Why It's Best To Bring Documentation When Traveling With Kids

Traveling can be exhausting as it is, but flying with kids is on a whole other level. Not only do you have to pack snacks, entertainment, extra clothing, and put up with a whole lot of whining, but there are also simple things that can easily be forgotten that can completely jeopardize all your travel plans.

According to @aliunfiltered_ on TikTok, she was flagged by TSA agents who were trying to identify if her 4-year-old daughter was really her child. Since she did not have her daughter's birth certificate with her and was traveling from Tampa, Florida — a destination well-known for human trafficking — TSA was suspicious of their relationship, which could have easily led to missing their flight after being interrogated. So, if you're planning on traveling with children, there are a few essential tips that will make your entire trip a whole lot smoother –– ensuring that you and your children catch your flight with time to spare. 

Documents needed when traveling with a child

Having the right documentation is key — even if you think you're being overly prepared or overly cautious. For starters, you should always have proof of identification such as a birth certificate, indicating your rights to the custody of your child. It's also smart to bring a copy of your marriage certificate or a letter of consent from the other parent or guardian that gives you permission to travel with the child. This will not only ensure that the child is yours, but that their other parent is also aware of their travel plans. 

While these practices might not be considered essential in the U.S., there's always the risk that you can be stopped, especially while traveling internationally. Not only is child trafficking a concerning problem all over the world, but sometimes children can become victims of kidnapping by people they know due to custody battles and other disputes happening all over the country. It is part of TSA security's job to keep an eye out on possible suspects and ensure that documentation is verified before letting parents and children through security.

To be extra cautious, you should even bring copies of important documents, especially if you and your child will be separated for any reason. Just know that TSA agents are only doing their job and are required to ensure that children are safe with the adults they are traveling with, so try to make their job easier and faster. 

Other tips for parents traveling with children

Parents should arrive early at the airport and expect to spend more time when they're traveling with kids. This is not just because they have to deal with tantrums or stop for numerous bathroom trips, but also because there is a slight chance that you will be stopped by TSA agents who may want to verify your relationship and check your documents.

To be fully prepared, always have your documents ready with copies for both parents to prevent any issues from occurring, especially if they're not standing in the same queue. As soon as the TSA agent asks for verification, be ready with all the required documents –– so they can check them quickly and you can be on your way. One tip that was recommended by the same TikToker is using TSA Pre-check, since it not only facilitates and speeds up the screening process, but will also help verify your relationship in advance and help smooth the entire process. Now you (and your child) can make it through airport security without any hiccups.