Why Men Are At Higher Risk Of Dying In Yellowstone National Park
In 1870, the Washburn-Doane party ventured into northwestern Wyoming, a hitherto uncharted region only previously known to Indigenous people and a few hardy fur trappers. During the expedition, the explorers came upon a remarkable feature: a geyser spouting boiling water over 100 feet in the air. Noting how regular the eruptions were, they named it Old Faithful. Two years later, Yellowstone became the world's first national park and nowadays it is one of the most popular in the United States, attracting 4.5 million visitors in 2023. Sadly, not everybody makes it out alive and the large majority of those who die are men.
It's an unfortunate reality that some visitors venturing into the country's national parks don't always take the dangers as seriously as they should. This can range from hiking in deserts or at high altitude without sufficient water or acting carelessly on potentially deadly terrain. Couple this with men's higher tendency toward risky behavior than women and perhaps it isn't such a surprise that a significant bulk of fatalities in Yellowstone involve male visitors, clocking in at 77% between 2007 and 2024. This is consistent with the mortality rate for guys visiting America's national parks in general. The disproportionate statistic is largely attributed to the fact that men are more likely to underestimate the difficulty of a climb, head off the beaten track, take chances with wildlife, or simply overestimate their own physical abilities. Let's take a look at Yellowstone's hazards and how to avoid becoming another statistic.
The perils of Yellowstone National Park
Surprisingly, driving was the most dangerous activity in Yellowstone National Park between 2007 to 2024. Traffic-related incidents accounted for 45% of all deaths, substantially higher that the next-most deadly activity, hiking (19.05%). Fatal accidents involving water (16%) and climbing (4.76%) were relatively uncommon, while mortal encounters with wildlife only accounted for 4.05% of the 74 recorded deaths during the period. However, deadly encounters involving the park's natural wonders can the most ghastly — especially if you are a man.
In June 2016, a 23-year-old man fell into a spring while trying to bathe in one of Yellowstone's hydrothermal features, the dumbest tourist mistake to make at the national park. Rescuers were unable to fish him out and it was later determined that the heat and acidic water dissolved his remains. He wasn't the only person in recent years to suffer such a horrible fate. DNA testing was required to identify a 70-year-old man after part of a foot was found floating in the Abyss Pool in July 2022.
Those unfortunate victims were just two of over 20 recorded hot spring-related deaths. That is why it is important to stick to the well-maintained boardwalks around Yellowstone's thermal areas. While the crust forming around hot springs may look solid enough to walk on, it is often brittle with boiling acidic water beneath. Also check in on yourself while visiting these literal hotspots — if you feel dizzy or nauseous, it may indicate a dangerous build-up of toxic gas.
How to stay safe in Yellowstone National Park
With so many people arriving in Yellowstone National Park each year, more touristy aspects (like photographing Old Faithful) can make it easy to forget you're in the wilderness. That's why visitors should be alert to the dangers and treat it as a wild place rather than a theme park. It also isn't a petting zoo and keeping an appropriate distance from its free-roaming wildlife is strongly advised.
Bison cause more injuries to visitors than any other creature, so stay at least 25 yards away. The same goes for elk, which can get aggressive if they feel threatened. Wolves and bears need a wider berth of at least 100 yards. Hike in groups of three or more to reduce the chances of a bear attack and carry bear spray in case of emergencies.
With much of Yellowstone over a mile above sea level, give yourself a chance to adjust to the altitude. Keep an eye out for potential tree falls and take extra care while swimming or crossing rivers and streams. Not only is there a risk of drowning, the water is very cold and hypothermia is a risk even in the summer. With road accidents posing the biggest threat, always stick to the speed limit, take it steady on the narrow roads, and look out for wildlife venturing into the road. Taking necessary precautions will help you enjoy the park to the fullest and live to tell people back home about it.