The Specific Tent Colors You Should Reconsider Using While Camping In Bear Country
Planning a trip to bear country soon? Before you start thinking about picking out the best campsite and gathering your s'mores supplies, you might want to take a moment to double-check your gear and ensure it's suited for the occasion. After all, when it comes to keeping you and your campsite safe in an area that's well-known for unexpected furry visitors, it turns out that your tent color choice can matter a whole lot more than you might think.
Let's face it: Buying the right camping gear can feel like a hassle — particularly if you're trying to find a balance between function and style. And while most campers generally gravitate toward bright, eye-catching colors that can make their campsite easier to spot — as well as set the scene for Instagram-worthy camping photos — the truth is that these vibrant hues can inadvertently create some risks. This includes attracting unwanted wildlife attention — specifically from curious bears, which have been known for getting a little too close for comfort when they spot colors that stand out against the natural landscape.
So even though a bright yellow or orange tent might seem like an aesthetically-pleasing choice in a sad sea of blues and browns, research suggests otherwise. Instead, opting for more natural, muted colors that blend well into the natural environment — including the sad blues and browns, or even camo — can ultimately help you avoid attracting bears to your campsite in the long run.
Other ways to prevent a bear encounter while camping
Choosing a muted tent doesn't necessarily mean you're in the clear. There are still plenty of other safety considerations and precautions to help you keep your campsite bear-free. One of the best ways is to ensure that you've packed your food securely when camping. This includes everything from snacks to drinks, as well as any food waste, spills, or leftovers that might attract wildlife. Most campsites today have animal-proof trash cans designed to keep unwanted animals away, so make use of them whenever you can to minimize risks.
Oh, and whatever you do, never keep any type of food or strong-smelling items — this includes personal hygiene products like deodorant or sunscreen — inside your tent. Even the slightest scent can be misunderstood as a free-for-all buffet invitation to a hungry bear, so make sure you store everything properly.
If you're still feeling a little on-edge about a potential bear visit, another great way to help keep bears away from your campsite is to use ammonia as a deterrent. Since bears are particularly sensitive to smells, the natural scent of ammonia — well-known for being sharp and pungent — can help keep them at a distance. To do so, simply soak a few rags in the chemical and place them around your campsite to act as an invisible wall. A quick dab will go a long way, so don't go too overboard or start spraying it everywhere. Not only will this eventually damage the local ecosystem and potentially harm other wildlife, but it'll also make the campsite smell incredibly unpleasant for yourself and everyone else trying to camp with you.