Samantha Brown's Best Creative Clothing Advice For 'Learning To Love Winter'

For some, winter is a magical time of year. The holidays are approaching, there's ice skating and gingerbread competitions, and people gather to see friends and family.
For those who find winter (especially the weather) a delightful time of year, it's probably because they live somewhere like California and have never had to shovel snow off the driveway. For a lot of the world, winter means cold, blustery days and nights. The lucky ones escape the cold for warm weather destinations, but those who choose to stay or choose to vacation someplace cold have to face the harsh elements. 

For those who would love to plan a vacation or weekend getaway somewhere chilly but are too afraid of the weather, travel guru Samantha Brown is here to help. First, she writes that there's an "old Scandinavian saying that there's no such thing [as] bad weather, only bad clothes." While of course this statement doesn't pertain to things like natural disasters (aka, a pair of long johns won't save you in the wake of a blizzard), embracing the cold and the outdoors during winter is all about foregoing fashion for function. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to go out looking like Randy from "A Christmas Story", however as Samantha suggests, when temperatures begin to drop, we should "not only embrace [the cold], but love it!" So, how do we embrace it? By packing for cold weather and wearing the right clothes of course! 

Winter clothes to keep you warm

Purchasing proper winter wear may seem like the most obvious answer, leaving you thinking ... well, duh. Of course, most people wouldn't visit a place that's freezing without first purchasing some gloves, but hey, you'd be surprised. So, for those of you from a warm climate who don't own a jacket, here is what Samantha Brown suggests purchasing. First, the key to staying warm is layers. If you forego purchasing anything else recommended in this article, at least take this one to heart. Buy a nice thick pair of long underwear that doesn't retain moisture. Brown suggests brands such as Patagonia, L.L. Bean, and REI for a good pair, or try these Thermajanes for women and Thermajohns for men. Feeling how warm your legs are with that added layer will have you thanking your lucky stars you listened to this article. 

Samantha Brown's second purchase suggestion is a great pair of socks. If your toes are numb, how are you going to enjoy walking around and seeing the sights? Brown suggests purchasing a pair made from Merino wool (like these unisex Antsang socks), a type of wool that is said to help regulate body temperature and keep your body dry and free from sweat. While on the subject of keeping your toes warm, you can't very well walk around outside in only socks, no matter how water-resistant the wool is. For an enjoyable winter trip, consider purchasing a solid pair of boots (and breaking them in first). Brown suggests owning two pairs, one for hiking and a heavy-duty pair for other activities (mostly to keep the snow out of your boots). Brown recommends brands such as Danner, Merrell, Oboz, Keen, Bogs, Sorels, and Salomon for some serious comfort and dryness.

Winter fashion doesn't have to be unflattering

Invest in a good parka! Braving the elements means having a good coat that is big enough to wear layers underneath, is water resistant, and covers your butt. Bonus points if it has pockets, especially hidden ones to protect yourself from pickpockets. Samantha Brown suggests that if you're looking to ensure your face stays warm, purchase one with fur (or faux fur) trim, as they're "scientifically proven to keep you warmer." She suggests that if you aren't spending hours outside in below-freezing temperatures, you don't need to break the bank by purchasing an expensive parka. This parka from Tacvasen is a great option for men, while this Moerdeng jacket is perfect for women — and both are below $100.

If you're looking to add outdoor activities to your winter vacation, purchasing a pair of snow pants is highly recommended. And don't worry, Brown explains that you don't need to look like a giant marshmallow either! There are many sleek snow pants customers can purchase that are form-fitting and warm, while staying somewhat fashionable, like this Arctix brand for women and men

Last but not least, should you purchase mittens or gloves? Well, it depends on what you have planned! With gloves, you can handle different items, but mittens keep your hands warmer. So Brown says go for both! You can never be too prepared for the cold, and owning a pair of both types will give you more options. You can try these unisex Sonoran gloves that work with touchscreens or some waterproof mittens for men and women. Taking Brown's creative tips into account can help make your time in the cold much more enjoyable — and hey, if you can't afford some new clothes, some mulled wine will warm you right up.