One Of The Best And Most Unique Souvenir Shops Samantha Brown Has Ever Been To Is In Canada

If you're tuned into travel news, you might have noticed a trend recently: dunking on souvenirs. Some media outlets claim that buying souvenirs is for fools and that what we pick up on vacation becomes unloved when we get back home. Be honest: How many "I heart [city]" mugs are collecting dust in your cupboards? But most of us want something to commemorate a great trip, so maybe we just need to rethink the kinds of souvenirs we're buying.

Travel pro Samantha Brown has a solution! She recently found what she calls on Instagram "one of the neatest souvenir places I've come across." While filming her episode in Victoria, British Colombia, Brown visited Puzzle Lab, where she bought a "sustainable heirloom puzzle." This isn't just any jigsaw. First, Puzzle Lab prints and adheres Canadian artworks to birch or maple plywood. Then the artwork is cut into a jigsaw, and often includes what the founders call "wiggly piece shapes." These uniquely shaped pieces mean the puzzles can be mind-bendingly difficult, as shown on Brown's Instagram. 

The beauty of these puzzles as souvenirs is that they showcase local artwork and are made of such high-quality materials that you can pass them down through the generations. But what if you're not in Victoria? There are a lot of other meaningful souvenirs you can pick up around the world.

Meaningful souvenirs for your next trip

In her Instagram post, Brown asked her followers about their favorite souvenirs, and the answers might inspire you. Some posters picked up local artworks, like a charcoal portrait done by a Parisian artist and a tapestry from Zimbabwe. Others had several budget-friendly souvenir ideas: tote bags, second-hand books, and even an Orangina bottle from the Louvre.

Brown's followers also recommended some go-tos. Christmas ornaments were popular, with one commenter writing that they get to reminisce on their travels every year when decorating their tree. If you buy something breakable like this, make sure to follow our genius tips for packing souvenirs while on vacation. Items of jewelry were also top of people's lists, as they're easy to pack. For a personal approach, Brown's fellow travel guru Rick Steves recommends all travelers write a journal during a trip as this doubles as a souvenir.

Some of the most memorable souvenirs are those that money can't buy. One person treasures a map of London bus routes she was given by an elderly lady. Others had picked up sea glass and a heart-shaped rock (on an already romantic trip!). One of the best answers was, "my Italian husband." We don't think you can get an exact replica of this one, but you may be able to pick up something similar on your next trip to Italy.