This Instagram-Famous Curtain Waterfall In Indonesia Has A Uniquely Enchanting Look

Indonesia has no shortage of waterfalls, and the famous island of Bali is home to some of its most popular ones, like Tegenungan, Aling-Aling, and the Banuyamala Twin waterfalls. Recently, a new Instagram-famous waterfall has been making its rounds on social media: Tukad Cepung. Unlike any other waterfalls in the region, Tukad Cepung stands out with its unique curtain-like appearance and the magical experience it offers to those who venture out into the heart of Bali's lush jungle to find it.

Tukad Cepung is located in a remote area near the village of Tembuku in the Bangli Regency. It's one of the closest waterfalls to Ubud — a popular bohemian tourist area in East Bali — and it takes about 50 minutes by car or motorbike drive. There is a free parking lot at the entrance to the waterfall complex. After paying a modest entrance fee of about $2 per person in cash (there are no ATMS on-site, so make sure to bring cash with you), it's time to find Tukad Cepung.

The short and challenging journey to the waterfall takes around 20 minutes. Visitors will spend the first half of the hike descending the north side of a steep concrete staircase with large, slippery, and uneven steps (there are handrails). Along the way, there are a few cafes and spaces to rest — order a refreshing coconut to replenish electrolytes. Afterward, you'll have to walk through some narrow gorges, climb some big boulders, and cross a rocky ankle-deep stream. (Yes, your feet will get wet.) To get back, you'll have to take the same route — quite a workout for those quads.

The enchanting experience at Tukad Cepung

As you get closer, the sound of cascading water will grow louder, and anticipation will build even more: Here it is, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. What sets Tukad Cepung apart from other waterfalls in Bali is its setting. The waterfall is hidden inside a dark cave-like opening, with sunlight streaming in from above, creating a natural spotlight that illuminates the water as it falls. The light filtering through gives the waterfall a shimmering, ethereal quality, making it look like a veil of light cascading down from the heavens.

The waterfall itself has a height of 50 feet, and the water directly beneath the cascade is only 12 inches deep. Once you reach it, you can wade into this shallow pool at its base, feeling the cool, refreshing water on your skin. The experience of standing beneath this curtain of water, with sunlight streaming down from above, is truly spiritually uplifting.

To catch Tukad Cepung in all its glory — especially during the spectacular light show — the best time to visit is between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. The rays stop shining by around 11:30 a.m. The waterfall park opens at 7 a.m. But beware, there will be many other picture-snapping people there, too, especially closer to noon. The cave is small, and it can get crowded quickly. The waterfall has gained a lot of fame on social media, particularly Instagram, where photos of the waterfall have gone viral. For better, but mostly for worse, this has changed the ambiance of this mystical place. So, the early bird gets the worm.

Practical tips for visiting the waterfall

The real treat is that there is another waterfall just near Tukad Cepung. Remember those steep, slippery steps? Take the south side of those stairs, and you'll find a beautiful waterfall — smaller than Tukad Cepung — right in the middle of the jungle, cascading down green cliffs. In the right place at the right time, you might even witness a rainbow effect. There is also a romantic Insta-worthy photo-op spot next to Tukad Cepung, a massive moss-covered stone that is washed by light penetrating from the leaves of the jungle. Finally, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, there is a natural swimming pool for visitors inside a green canyon with a view of — you guessed it — yet another beautiful little waterfall.

It's important to be prepared for your journey to Tukad Cepung. The short but challenging trek to the waterfall is perfect for the adventurous traveler; however, it should be noted that there are no accessibility features for people with mobility issues. The path can be slippery, especially after it rains, so sturdy, waterproof footwear is recommended. Don't forget your bathing suit if you plan to go to the swimming pool. Otherwise, since the water is too shallow to swim in at the base of Tukad Cepung, swimwear is optional. There is, however, a strong mist from the cascade, so you might get wet — in which case, a bathing suit can't hurt. Also, be sure to bring water, sunscreen, insect repellent, a waterproof bag, and, of course, a camera to capture that perfect shot.