Here's How Rick Steves Finds The Best Traditional, Atmospheric Pubs In Ireland

Ireland is a pub-lover's paradise, with over 6,500 pubs scattered across the country. Lucky visitors are spoiled for choice. While Dublin might seem stuffed to the gills with drinking establishments, it's Ireland's rural counties that have the most pubs in relation to their population. Tourists in Ireland looking for a true bounty of pubs should head to counties like Mayo, Kerry, and Tipperary, which top the list of having the most pubs per capita. With so many options, how do you decide? Luckily, travel expert Rick Steves has a tip.

Steves has an unabashed affection for pubs in Ireland and thinks all visitors to the Emerald Isle should get in on the act. Writing on his blog, Steves claims the way to find a truly great pub is to ask your B&B host, who he explains "is likely up-to-date on the best neighborhood pub grub." It's that easy! To find a traditional pub, ask a local. Did you notice that Steves mentioned "pub grub"? According to America's most prolific traveler, pubs in Ireland are not just places to sip a Guinness. Visitors should eat and socialize there, meet the locals, and shelter from Ireland's rain. Pubs are no small part of why Ireland is dubbed the most friendly European destination for travelers.

How to find a truly traditional pub in Ireland

If you're on a quest to find an atmospheric pub in Ireland, Rick Steves' golden rule is to get outside the big cities. Small towns and rural areas are your best bets, which shouldn't be a surprise given the abundance of pubs there. Steves reckons staying in a B&B (bed and breakfast) is the perfect way to get some insider knowledge. But he has this warning: "Ask for advice (but adjust for nepotism and cronyism, which run rampant)."

While you can rely on Google reviews to verify your host's suggestions, frequent travelers love to check out Reddit for local recommendations. A quick Google search of "Reddit traditional pub in [X]" will usually bring up several threads. Be aware that asking for the "best local pub" in Ireland is a bit like asking about the best pizza in New York! Everyone has an opinion, and there are many "right" answers. Alternatively, you can also simply peek into a pub as you pass by before committing.

The best traditional pubs in Ireland

We're bravely going to wade in with some recommendations for pubs to check out on your trip to Ireland. Rick Steves recommends finding a pub with a "trad session" (live music), and luckily, his favorite town in Ireland, Dingle, happens to have the best live music! Several Redditors also say that Dingle has the best pubs in the country, giving visitors another reason to put this charming town on their list of places to go. The advice in Reddit's r/Kerry forum is mainly to just wander Dingle and choose one, though Dick Mack's and Bob Griffin's get several shout-outs.

Sean's Bar in Westmeath, billed as the oldest pub in Ireland, is another top contender. It has its own whiskey and hosts live music nights. One patron writes on Google, "A must-visit spot for anyone looking for great music, wonderful people, and amazing drinks." For fresh seafood, head to Nancy's Bar in coastal Ardara. The oysters and seafood chowder get rave reviews, and the country-style pub interior gives it a cozy vibe.

Our last pick is O'Connell's in Skryne. The interior, with its roaring fire and vintage touches, looks like it's been frozen in time and earned the pub a place in Guinness' iconic 2004 Christmas advert. One happy visitor left this sterling review on Google: "No TV's, No WiFi just talking. The pint of Guinness was superb and the hospitality was on point." A true traditional Irish pub, if ever there was one.