Here's How Much Clothing You Should Pack For A Two Week, Carry-On Only Vacation To Europe

When you go on a weekend getaway, traveling with just one carry-on bag tends to be pretty easy. However, as you add more days to your itinerary — and more clothes to your luggage — relying on only a carry-on can prove difficult. If a lengthy two-week vacation to Europe is on the horizon, you'll need to plan your outfits in advance if you want to avoid checking a large suitcase.

The key to creating a streamlined travel capsule wardrobe is choosing simple pieces that can be layered or dressed up with accessories. If your vacation is during the cold-weather months — a ski trip to the Alps, for example — prioritize layering lightweight tops in insulating fabrics rather than packing several chunky sweaters. If you're going to Europe in the summer, opt for cool shirts, blouses, and shorts paired with different accessories to create a new look each day.

When it comes to deciding how much clothing to pack, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. With that said, expect to re-wear each top two to three times and each bottom three to four times. This equates to five to seven tops (and an extra base-layer top if traveling in the winter) and four or five bottoms. Note that one dress counts as both a top and a bottom. Depending on the weather, include one swimsuit and one piece of outerwear. Then, add accessories. Three pairs of shoes, a hat, a scarf, sunglasses, and some underwear are generally enough for a two-week trip.

Points to keep in mind when packing a carry-on only wardrobe

Fitting 14 days' worth of outfits in one tiny carry-on can be tough, but a few pointers will help you narrow down your list of garments. First, check the weather forecast before your trip to make sure every piece in your travel wardrobe will be practical for the elements. If you are visiting different regions in Europe with different climates, remember the rule noted above: Be prepared to layer. For instance, the short-sleeved T-shirt that worked in Spain can offer extra warmth under a cardigan during your stay in Sweden.

On that note, be cautious of the clothing you pack on your trip to Europe and research the local dress codes for the destinations you plan to visit. Some historical and religious sites require visitors to wear modest clothes, so it can be a good idea to tailor your outfits to these customs. Similarly, take note that some restaurants have a dress code. If you want to book a fancy meal during your trip, pack at least one elegant dress or classic button-up shirt.

Don't overlook colors when packing your clothes. With just a handful of tops and bottoms to coordinate, it's important to select shades that complement each other. One easy tip: Go for garments in mostly neutral shades, and use accessories to add pops of color.

Don't be afraid to repeat outfits

In a perfect world, you'd have 14 different tops or dresses during your two-week European vacation so you can flaunt a new outfit each day. Unfortunately, this is hard to pull off when traveling with a single carry-on bag. Therefore, it's best to reframe any hang-ups you might have about repeating outfits before your trip.

First, remind yourself that the locals won't remember what you wore each day of your vacation. Plus, if you're visiting a bustling destination, you likely won't run into the same people twice anyway. If you're worried about wearing the same clothes in all of your vacation photos, try throwing on a scarf or hat or tying a cardigan around your shoulders to create a fresh look.

If you notice your clothes getting stained or smelly after one or two wears, consider splurging for the hotel's laundry service. Or, better yet, do laundry in your hotel room using travel soap. A couple of detergent sheets will still take up less space in your carry-on than an additional shirt or pair of pants.