The Unexpected Effect Frequent Flying May Have On Your Libido

For many, frequent flying is a necessity of modern life, whether for business, leisure, or visiting loved ones. The allure of jet-setting across the globe comes with some exciting possibilities — staying at painstakingly-chosen hotels, visiting romantic European countries, or, gasp, joining the "Mile High Club" en route to your destination. Not so fast! Frequent flying does have some unexpected effects on your body and mind, and yes, your libido as well — what might surprise you is that not all of those effects are positive or sexy.

Libido, or sexual desire, is influenced by a wide variety of factors. Humans are complicated, sensitive creatures, and everything from physical health and mental well-being to hormonal balance and medical conditions affect one's desire for sex. Personal preferences, relationship problems, and especially lifestyle choices all play a part in that complicated cocktail that makes up one's sex drive. Frequent flying can affect these areas in several ways. After all, even tomato juice tastes different on an airplane (just don't order Diet Coke), so it's no surprise that being in an airplane can also lead to changes in libido.

Let's examine the typical airplane environment: teeth-chattering chilly cabin temperatures of 71 to 75 degrees, humidity levels that rival the Sahara, air pressure that's equivalent to being on an 8,000-foot high mountain, tight 17-inch wide seats with 30 to 32 inches of legroom, and at least one crying baby. And for fairness, all of this is most likely happening in economy class. Turn on? Not really. 

Stress, jet lag, and fatigue: Low libido factors

Frequent flying comes with increased anxiety levels and overall frustration. Tight schedules, airport security, and the overall hustle of travel can elevate stress levels. Chronic stress triggers the release of cortisol, an adrenal hormone that, when elevated over long periods, can decrease sex drive by suppressing the hormones that make you want to be sexually intimate: testosterone for men and estrogen for women. Additionally, the anxiety of frequent travel over time tends to lead to mental exhaustion, further dampening any sort of sexual interest. When you're preoccupied with retrieving your lost luggage at the airport and dealing with border officers in foreign countries, sex loses its spot on the list of priorities. Throwing some adult toys into the mix can help, and here's how to take them through TSA.

Jet lag — another common issue frequent flyers face — doesn't do wonders for libido either. Crossing multiple time zones disrupts the body's internal clock, or circadian rhythm, which regulates sleep-wake cycles and other physiological processes. This disruption can lead to poor sleep quality, fatigue, and mood disturbances, all of which negatively impact libido. The body's natural rhythm is crucial for maintaining hormonal balance, and when this rhythm is thrown off, it can result in decreased sexual desire. Air travel can also be physically exhausting, with long flights, cramped seats, and lack of movement leaving travelers feeling drained. Physical fatigue reduces energy levels, making the idea of getting down and dirty a lot less appealing.

Tips for maintaining your drive while frequent flying

Even though planes take us to beautiful places, it should not be underestimated how frequent flying affects our sex lives. But, despite the challenges, there are several strategies air travelers can adopt to help maintain a healthy, sky-high libido. First and foremost, prioritize sleep. Get adequate rest before and after flights, and consider using sleep aids like eye masks and earplugs while on board. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after flights to combat dehydration.

Do some light stretching and walking in-flight, but also engage in physical activity regularly — the American Heart Association recommends at least 2.5 hours per week — to boost energy levels, reduce stress, and promote hormonal balance. Eating well, seeking natural light exposure, and managing stress with techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga will do wonders for combating the negative effects of frequent flying.

Another hot tip for keeping your libido aflame? Fly business or first class, and here are some of the airlines with the best first class, according to traveler reviews. The comfort and relaxation — not to mention welcome drinks and spacious cabins — compared to economy class will put your mind at ease and make your travels a lot more sexy and bougie. Also, avoid 6 AM flights that require you to be at the airport as early as 4 AM, or even earlier. The same goes for late-night flights. These untimely tickets will throw a wrench into your circadian rhythm and your sex life.