Go Back In Time And Enjoy Wes Anderson's Style With These History-Themed Train Trips

Sometimes, people compare traveling around the world to going back in time. There are many locations worldwide that remain largely untouched by the advancements of modern society. If you're lucky enough to get to those corners of the globe, like parts of the British countryside, you're certainly in for some really interesting adventures taken straight out of the history books. With that in mind, thanks to visionary filmmaker Wes Anderson, your throwback journeys around the United Kingdom on Belmond Trains can resemble some of his most beloved movies.

Back in 2021, the award-winning auteur behind "The Royal Tenenbaums," "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou," and "The Grand Budapest Hotel" teamed up with luxury hospitality and leisure company Belmond to redesign a vintage carriage on the British Pullman. Now, when travelers step onboard the classic train car, they're surrounded by Anderson's trademark pastel panache, straight out of his films. But in addition to enjoying the same aesthetics seen in Anderson's filmography, the passengers will also be transported to the golden age of steam travel by embarking on excursions to Bath, Kent, the Sussex Downs, and beyond.

Wes Anderson & Belmond

As seen in his films (particularly "The Darjeeling Limited"), the legendary artist has a great affinity for train travel. The collaboration between Anderson and Belmond seemed like a natural way to pay tribute to classic filmmaking and methods of travel. He told Belmond.com that he was "very eager to make something new while also participating in the process of preservation which accompanies all the classic Belmond train projects." Anderson continued, "They are keeping something special alive. An endangered species of travel which is nevertheless very suited to our time."

With that spirit in mind, the 1950s carriage bearing Anderson's work was dubbed the Cygnus. Named after a notable figure in Greek mythology, Cygnus is represented by a swan, and the design incorporates majestic swans, water, and silver leaves all over the place. From swan-shaped champagne coolers to intricate marquetry around the space, the story of Cygnus (as told by Wes Anderson) is well represented. Plus, after hosting royalty and surviving World War II raids, the Cygnus carriage touts its own cinematic pedigree, as it was featured in the 1972 film "Agatha," starring Dustin Hoffman and Vanessa Redgrave.

Of course, this underrated way to travel doesn't come cheap. The intimate space starts from £400 per person (about $510) or £1,800 per coupé (about $2,300). You can choose to dine from a contemporary British menu while onboard, and champagne will be flowing freely throughout your journey. The ticket for your roundtrip U.K. train expedition comes with priority boarding at London Victoria Station.

The destinations of the Cygnus carriage

At such an extravagant cost, where could you possibly be going? As part of the British Pullman, the Cygnus is dispatched to various cities around the United Kingdom. One of the most prominent stops is the ancient city of Bath, which was a popular Roman getaway known for its elegant Georgian architecture. Passengers can also trek to award-winning wineries, enchanting vineyards, and the picturesque U.K. seaside.

If you're more focused on the experiences on the train itself, there are some excellent options for that as well. For starters, there's a package just for an elevated afternoon tea. But for a more hands-on, immersive, and interactive element added to your journey, you can opt for the Moving Murder Mystery or the Carriage Club packages. While the former is fairly self-explanatory, the latter involves a cabaret experience curated by a world-class theatre company.

Though those spring and summer offerings sound wonderful, there are plenty of beautiful winter train rides on the books as well. The multi-course meals have a more holiday flair as the train is decorated for Christmas. You can even head to England's first cathedral in Canterbury for a holly jolly carol sing. No matter what time of the year you plan to ride the British Pullman, the story can be enhanced thanks to the contributions of Wes Anderson and Belmond.