10 Dangerous Cities You Should Never Visit Alone

The world is a magical place. Every single part of the planet is home to something remarkable, whether that is extraordinary natural landscapes or exciting cities buzzing with creativity and innovation. Those lucky enough to travel the world are indeed that, lucky, and it isn't challenging to see why so many are bitten by the travel bug. This is particularly true for those who decide to head out into the wide world on their lonesome. Solo travel can be a truly transcendent experience. If you're curious about hitting the road alone, do it. Do it now.

But wait, not so fast. The world is a magical place, but it is also a dangerous one. While we're living in remarkably peaceful times when taking the entire history of our species into account, there remain places where insecurity and tumult are part of daily life. Of course, "dangerous" is a hugely subjective term, and there is no reason why anyone couldn't have an incredible time in any of these places. Still, it is better to be safe than sorry, and solo travelers are best avoided for the time being. For full disclosure, we decided not to include active conflict zones for obvious reasons.

Acapulco, Mexico

There are many reasons to fall in love with Mexico, but the lack of security is not among them. While the country shimmers with charm in good times, the bad times tend to leave a mark. This is true in major cities like Mexico City, Tijuana, and the rest, and it is also true in major resort areas in Acapulco. Long considered one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico, Acapulco may now take the crown as the most dangerous. A long turf war will do that to your city.

The city is located in Guerrero state, and the U.S. State Department has the area listed as a certified "Do not travel" zone. According to the department, "Armed groups operate independently of the government in many areas of Guerrero. Members of these groups frequently maintain roadblocks and may use violence towards travelers. U.S. citizens and LPRs have been victims of kidnapping in previous years." Furthermore, the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data placed Mexico as the fourth most dangerous and violent place in the world for 2024, behind only Syria, Myanmar, and Palestine.

London, England

Rick Steves might be tired of people thinking London is dangerous, but the Big Smoke has a reputation for a reason. The English capital is one of the most popular tourist destinations on the planet, but it can be an insecure place to travel on your lonesome, especially in certain areas at night. Throw in the increased prices and general chaos, and you are better off heading to alternative British destinations instead.

London is the most dangerous major city in the United Kingdom, but the fact it is so much bigger than everywhere else almost certainly contributes to this. In any big city, crime, violence, theft, assault, and terrorism always seem to be on the horizon, and London experiences this more than most. Sure, it has all those iconic London attractions, but you'll get a more rounded (and safer) English experience in cities like Bath, Bristol, and Brighton. No, not all English cities begin with B.

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago recently declared a state of emergency in response to growing levels of gang violence on the islands, doing so in the interests of public safety. The island nation experienced a worrying uptick in numbers in 2024, and the violence has continued into the new year. This hasn't been enough to convince some cruise lines to bypass the islands, but you should probably consider giving it a miss if you are traveling on your own.

Trinidad and Tobago's state of emergency has stretched all across the island nation, and international governments have followed suit in warning tourists about the dangers. The U.S. State Department strongly recommends avoiding the center of the capital city, Port of Spain, after dark and mentions that "gang activity, such as narcotics trafficking, is common." Until the situation improves, solo travelers are advised to give Trinidad and Tobago a wide berth. 

New Delhi, India

Danger can come in many forms. As a massive metropolis, the Indian capital of New Delhi faces its own issues with violent crime, but arguably, the most significant danger here comes from the skies. We're talking, of course, about air quality, although "quality" absolutely isn't the right word here.

New Delhi has some of the worst air in the world. The Guardian reported that it has "held the dishonorable title of the world's most polluted city" for a decade, and it doesn't look like it will relinquish the top spot in the near future. In November 2024, the air quality index touched 1,700 in some parts of the city. For reference, the World Health Organization deems 50 to be a healthy number. India is one of the world's most exciting countries, but what good is all that magic if you can't see it for the smog? New Delhi isn't the only city in the region with air quality issues, but pollution is on a different level here.

Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis is known as the Home of the Blues and the Birthplace of Rock and Roll, but it is also increasingly known for its worrying crime rate and reputation as the country's most dangerous city. Rock and roll requires a certain amount of danger, but this might be taking it too far. Safe and Sound Security reported that the city has a violent crime rate of 24.37 incidents per 1,000 people, which is way up on the national average of around four incidents per 1,000 folks. Without stating the obvious, 24.37 is a much bigger number than four.

Residents on Reddit seem to agree, stating that the city isn't just one of the most dangerous in the country; it is the undisputed leader. Many commenters seemed to agree that it isn't a city you want to be alone in at night. If you are looking for a tremendous Tennessee adventure, head to Nashville; you might even bump into a celebrity or two.

Marseille, France

The second-largest city in the country, Marseille is a very different experience from the stereotypical France many tourists might have in their minds. The southern city is fiercely independent and more than a little rough around the edges, mixing up gorgeous views with a worrying reputation for gang-related violence and a high crime rate. Marseille is a beautiful place, but it isn't a stretch to call it the most dangerous vacation spot in France.

If you are visiting the city, doing so with a friend or in a group is best. Keep your wits and use common sense at all times, and avoid the districts renowned for violence (specifically arrondissements 13 through 16 and the areas around Felix Pyat and Hauts de Mazargues). Be aware of popular scams, and do what you can to avoid any unpleasant situations. This should go without saying, obviously, but we've said it now.

Pretoria, South Africa

South Africa is another country that seems to be forever plagued with turbulence, and this is particularly true in Pretoria, the country's administrative capital. Cost of living website Numbeo ranked the city as the world's second-most crime-ridden in 2024, behind only Caracas and just ahead of South African counterparts Durban and Johannesburg. Gqerbeha (formerly Port Elizabeth) ranked eighth on the list. Still, it could be worse for Pretoria; Pietermaritzburg was ranked South Africa's most dangerous city at the time of writing.

It all paints a pretty bleak picture for the major population centers of the country, although places like Joburg and Cape Town are generally tourist-centric enough to provide decent security. Pretoria tends to be overlooked in favor of these more famous spots, but anyone considering a solo trip here should probably do a decent amount of research before committing to the voyage. Sure, those jacaranda trees are utterly spellbinding, but you can find these gorgeous trees in other parts of the world.

St. Louis, Missouri

Mound City always seems to find its way onto these sorts of lists, and this collection is no different. St. Louis is a fascinating place, and the so-called Gateway to the West is packed with history, heritage, good eats, and fantastic people, but it still struggles to shake its reputation as a dangerous city. In 2017, the city was ranked the most dangerous in the United States, although it has since ceded that questionable crown. In fact, St. Louis seems to be getting safer all the time.

Still, a reputation is difficult to shake, and we're not exactly helping things here. Violent crime remains relatively high, and certain parts of the city are still considered no-go areas for people who don't know where they are going. However, the old adage remains true: don't go looking for trouble, and it more than likely won't find you. We're optimistic about St. Louis. After all, its Gateway Arch National Park was actually rated the safest in America.

Oakland, California

In 2024, CNN reported that Oakland had become a "ghost town" in the wake of a violent crime epidemic. This might be something of an exaggeration (especially when you consider the many fascinating actual ghost towns in California), but the data is hard to ignore. Police statistics showed that robberies increased by 38% in 2023, and around one in every 30 residents lost a car to theft. Let that number sink in for a moment.

Businesses around the city have responded logically to the crime rate, leading to the "ghost town" claims made by CNN in the spring of last year. California is awash with incredible experiences and iconic attractions, but Oakland's issues stop it from joining the top table of Golden State tourist destinations. You don't need us to tell you that this is a shame, and we look forward to the day when "San Francisco's Brooklyn" regains its place on the podium. For now, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for Oakland.

Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela seems perpetually stuck in tumultuous times, with little optimism on the horizon. As a result, it remains off the radar of most tourists, which is a shame. Venezuela is a stunning country with sweeping nature and fascinating mountain villages, offering a truly unique cultural experience. Throw in gorgeous beaches and magnificent people, and you've got a superstar waiting to happen.

Unfortunately, crime makes it impossible to truly recommend. Forbes Advisor had Caracas ranked as the least safe city for tourists in 2024, with the Venezuelan capital scoring a scarcely believable 100 out of 100 on its risk assessment calculator. Traveling solo around South America is an incredible adventure, no matter your level of travel experience, but it might be best to leave Caracas and Venezuela off the itinerary for the time being. With that in mind, solo travelers should be wary of South America's most dangerous destinations in general.